Presentation on Violence and Land Disposession in Honduras
On June 1, 2021 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Violence and Land Dispossession in Honduras” for the Rural Sociology research cluster of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Annual Conference (virtually).
Presentation on the Racist Dimensions of Land Conflicts
On June 3, 2021 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Frontiers and Land Conflicts: the Racist Violence of Neoliberal Development” for the Sociology of Development research cluster of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Annual Conference (virtually).
Presentation on the ‘Enemies of Development’
On May 26, 2021 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Beyond Gangs and Cartels: Political Violence and the ‘Enemies of Development’ in Honduras” for the Latin American Studies Association Annual (LASA) Congress (virtually).
Presentation on Land Violence, Security and Development.
On February 26, 2021 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Land Violence, Security and Development” for the International Sociological Association (ISA) IV Forum of Sociology (virtually).
Presentation on Pro-Capitalist Violence and the Great Wave of Dispossession
On August 11, 2020, Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Pro-Capitalist Violence and the Great Wave of Dispossession: Armed Actors and Agrarian Conflicts in Colombia, Mexico, and Honduras” for the American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (virtually)
Talk: Pro-Capitalist versus Criminal Violence: Understanding the Different Types of Non-State Armed Actors in Mexico and Central America
On November 24, 2020 Jasmin gave the talk entitled “Pro-capitalist versus Criminal Violence” at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, Global Studies Theme at UBC Okanagan.
Violencia Politica y Derechos Humanos en Centroamerica y Colombia
El 26 de noviembre Jasmin modero el panel “Violencia Política y Derechos Humanos en Centroamérica y Colombia” que ella organizo de parte de CALACS (la Asociacion Canadiense de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe) con activistas de cinco paises de Latinoamerica.
Puede ver el archivo del evento aqui
En los discursos políticos dominantes el problema de la violencia en Latinoamérica siempre ha sido tipificado como un producto del crimen organizado, las pandillas y en algunos casos la insurgencia. Detrás de esta idea generalizada existe una realidad oculta. Muchos países hoy día enfrentan olas de violencia política y graves violaciones a los derechos humanos sin precedentes, que apuntan a movimientos sociales, organizaciones y personas que luchan por defender los bienes públicos, los territorios, los derechos humanos y buscan una transformación social hacia una alternativa al modelo predatorio neoliberal. Hoy Latinoamérica es la región más peligrosa del mundo para las personas defensoras de derechos humanos y ambientales. Mas de 60 por ciento de los asesinatos de defensores y defensoras ocurren en Latinoamérica a pesar de que la región representa solo 8 por ciento de la población mundial. En este panel, miembros de movimientos sociales comparten experiencias de persecución, criminalización, y violencia por actores estatales y paraestatales.
Panelistas: Palas Luin, Movimiento Sociedad Civil de Barillas, Guatemala / Dina Mesa, Asociacion por la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos (ASOPODEHU), Honduras / Jimmy Gomez, Articulación de Movimientos Sociales y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (AMS-Nicaragua) / Harrinson Cuero, Procesos de Comunidades Negras, Colombia
Moredador: Jasmin Hristov (UBC)
Political Violence and Human Rights in Central America and Colombia
On November 26, 2020 Jasmin moderated the panel she organized with activists from five different countries in Latin America, on behalf of CALACS (Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies).
View recording of this event here:
Dominant discourses of politicians and analysts have typically characterized the problem of violence in contemporary Latin America as a product of organized crime, gangs and in some cases the insurgency. Behind this claim exists a different reality. Many countries today face unprecedented waves of political violence and human rights violations that target social movements, organizations and individuals involved in struggles in defense of public resources, land and human rights and seek a social transformation toward an alternative to the predatory neoliberal model. Latin America is the world’s most dangerous region for environmental and land-rights defenders. Here more than 60 percent of defender deaths in the world take place even though the region represents just over 8 percent of the world’s population.This panel brings together members of social movements who share their experiences of persecution, criminalization and violence by state and non-state actors.
Panelists: Palas Luin, Movimiento Sociedad Civil de Barillas, Guatemala / Dina Mesa, Asociacion por la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos (ASOPODEHU), Honduras / Jimmy Gomez, Articulación de Movimientos Sociales y Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (AMS-Nicaragua) / Harrinson Cuero, Procesos de Comunidades Negras, Colombia
Moderator: Jasmin Hristov (UBC)
América Latina: «la pandemia exacerbó la violación de los derechos humanos»
Esta es en una entrevista realizada por Radio Internacional Canadá a Jasmin Hristov, profesora e investigadora en la Universidad de Columbia Británica, el lunes 3 de agosto de 2020. Jasmin ha dedicado gran parte de sus esfuerzos a investigar laviolencia estatal y paraestatal en América Latina y su relación con el despojo de las tierras.

En esta entrevista, Jasmin explica lo complejo de la problemática en la región y la causa de la violencia, la cual tiene un origen múltiple y es en este contexto que se desarrolla la persecución contra líderes sociales, militantes por los derechos humanos, defensores de los campesinos y hasta la ola de femicidios que sacude a varios países de la región. Dicha situación ha empeorado con la llegada de la pandemia y las medidas de aislamiento y confinamiento sociales dictadas por los gobiernos, que han hecho que esos agentes sociales en “blanco inmóvil” de la violencia. Esta entrevista está disponible en el sitio web de Radio Internacional Canadá.
Exposing Land Grabs

The University of British Columbia featured this story about global sociologist Jasmin Hristov’s research on violence and land dispossession, what led to her passion for the subject, and what some of her collaborators and students had to say.
Talk “Research in Support of Emancipatory Agendas: the Questions and Challenges”
On November 18 Dr. Jasmin Hristov gave the talk “Research in Support of Emancipatory Agendas: the Questions and Challenges” at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies, Global Studies Theme at UBC Okanagan.
Jasmin Hristov Recipient of the Early Investigator Award
On June 4, 2019 Dr. Jasmin Hristov received the 2019 Early Investigator Award by the Canadian Sociological Association for her innovative theoretical contributions and fieldwork on violence and human rights in Latin America.

Presentation on Capital Enabling Violence
On June 6, 2019 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “From Paramilitary Groups to Paramilitary Violence: the Importance of Developing a Conceptual Tool to Account for Capital-Enabling Violence” at the annual conference of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) in Vancouver.
Presentation on Violent Land Dispossession in Mexico, Honduras and Colombia
On June 6, 2019 Dr. Jasmin Hristov presented the paper “Violent Land Dispossession and the Expansion of Agribusiness and Extractive Sector Capital: Evidence from Mexico, Honduras and Colombia” at the annual conference of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) in Vancouver.
Presentation on Peasant Movements and Illegal Armed Groups in Mexico and Honduras
On May 11, 2019 Dr. Jasmin Hristov and Carlos Ogaz (CIESAS, Mexico) presented the paper “Movimientos Campesinos, Grupos Armados Ilegales, y el Estado: Conflictos Agrarios y Violencia en el Bajo Aguán (Honduras) y Chiapas (México)” at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) in Toronto.